Hi, I’m Matt Freund. I am the developer and owner of Stuff Matty Cooks. This is the part where I tell you a bit about ME. Well, I am a person that loves food. I have been a person that has been in the kitchen a huge portion of my life. I really started to take the cooking thing seriously when I was about 15.
Since then I have grown a lot and learned a tremendous amount. I never stop learning and my love of food just keeps growing. Am I a classically trained chef? Absolutely not, but I don’t think that matters this is my love and this site consists of what I like to eat as well as putting my own spin on ideas that I see.
Most of the time I eat very healthily and that’s what most of the food on this website will consist of. I’m a person that loves being healthy and I love going to the gym and staying in shape. Good food doesn’t have to be fattening and unhealthy. It just takes a little thought and dedication and of course some good ingredients. Other loves of mine include music. When I was younger I was a full-time musician and I am a diehard rock n roll and heavy metal lover. I’ve been a guitar player for over 30 years and still to this day attend concerts and music events pretty much weekly. I guess when it comes to that I really never grew up
I am also a big motorcycle enthusiast… Harley-Davidson of course. I have been a rider most of my life and currently have 2 Harleys. This is something I will never stop loving along with Food and Music. Why am I telling you about Heavy Metal and Harleys on Food Blog? Well, cause I’m a little different (no I am not mad in that picture) and I just wanted to say thanks for checking out my little corner of the internet and Welcome to Stuff Matty Cooks. Feel free to comment or send me a message if you have suggestions, questions or comments. This is the beginning of my Food Blogging journey and I value your input.
If your thinking of something that I haven’t feel free to hit me up.
Matty 🙂